Thursday, June 25, 2020

World idea..

World of warcraft, starcraft, science fiction stories all have fictional world.

I have mine for game or novel. Mine is somewhat derived from Zerg of Starcraft lol.

The universe is a living organism. Meaning

The void in Space is filled with liquid cytoplasm
Cytoplasm is again filled with living organisms of endless variety.
All the astronphysical events are results of biological activities in celestial scale. For example,
Black hole forms by enormous pressures created by muscle tissues of celestial size
The bright stars form from giant masses of undistributed nutrients such as hydrogen.
Solid planet-like masses form a single organism that ate the most other organisms.
So these planets are results of competition, or survival of fittest. 
Planetary war is basically megascale biological warfare, and the loser planet gets physically eaten. 
As time goes by, wars evolve into Galactic scale, and into universal scale. 
And it turns out, these wars are all planned and managed by the Overmind
Why? The Overmind eats the winner to assimilate the winning features.
So the Universe is a farm field for winners to be eaten for the further evolution of the Overmind!  
the Overmind is the all-powerful organism that is the winner of the previously completed universal evolution.  

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